
30 Day Challenge: Day 26 - fast and fun

Three fast and fun things today: 1. A quick Yogurtland visit with a friend - the second in two days - I'm so pampered!

2. A very quick dip in the pool just minutes before it closed - I think I got in six laps and it was well worth it - channelled my inner Olympian - except I can't do anything resembling Olympic swimming - not even a flip turn!

3. 20 minutes on a quick New Orleans house sketch.

It is such a lie to say we don't have time.  There is plenty of time for whatever we want to have time for!  Including grass time with the cats.

What kinds of fun do you realize you can always have time for?

30 Day Challenge Day 4: Indulged

Blue sky this morning - first time in a few days.  This is the tree I sit under in the yard during my ten minute grass time.

And I indulged in more than the allotted time in my sketchbook today - I had a class on the phone and while I listened diligently and took nine pages of notes, I also produced this:

After the fall cypress swamp drawing I was ready for some green.  A snail on the palmettos from a photograph during one of my wordless walks.

It doesn't have to be good.  It just feels great to do it.  In middle school I would doodle excessively in the margins of my notebooks, especially in history class.  Castles, eyes, girls, dresses, branches full of flowers, trees, cats --  and I still remember those lectures like they were yesterday.  I was happy to indulge and prioritize creative time for myself today.